CHIPSpeaking Software


Welcome to CHIPSpeaking Software's Web Site!


Home of CHIPSpeaking, CHIPSpeech, CHIPSpeaking Freeboard!

Speech Utilities for the vocally disabled.



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What It Means

CHIPSpeaking™ stands for:
Conversational Help for
Individuals with Problems

Known Problems:

If you get the Error 76 from CHIPSpeech, the install directory is incorrect. You have to use

C:\Program Files\CHIPSpeaking as the install directory in all current CHIPSpeaking

software products.

Error 91 happens when you fail to load a character when trying to generate speech with CHIPSpeaking.


George McF. Mood, III

Chip Mood died peacefully in his home 1n July 2001. He never gave up, his body gave out. May he rest in peace.

To contact us:




Snail Mail:

CHIPSpeaking Software

112 Dean Court

Lexington, SC 29073-7567

There are new versions of both CHIPSpeaking (2.7.00) and CHIPSpeech (2.5.10) These were posted on 1/19/2001.

I've also re-done the web page with a new style to make it easier to read and hopefully more interesting

I am pleased to announce a brand new addition to the CHIPSpeaking family of products, "CHIPSpeech™"

Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them
in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers.

CHIPSpeech currently supports 99 common phrases, and one emergency button for an alert. The file is posted below, near It's filename is Each is roughly 3.5 megabytes in size. (If you are in a hurry to download it, these links will start the download for you.)

NOTICE: CHIPSpeaking does NOT support WinNT 3.51, 4.0 or Windows 2000! If you want to attempt to make it work on these platforms, please advise me if they work. I have no way to support them because I only have one computer to test with. The will be no support (e-mail or otherwise) for these platforms.

(Continued on page 2)


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About CHIPSpeaking | Chip was a gentleman, we will miss him. | Programming it all . . . | Directory of Related Links | Getting the Software

| Ways you can help . . .

| Donations are encouraged | Suggestions please! Future construction! | Future construction!


Look at LICENSE.ZIP and README.ZIP for installation and license notes.  To unzip all of these, look on: for the best Shareware ZIP utility in the world!

CHIPSpeaking Software

112 Dean Court

Lexington, SC 29073-7567

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